The presence of life's problems and personal crises are the norm for the mentally healthy person.
The mature person is the person who knows her\his issues, who realize that s\he has some issues, who can solve her\his issues by him\herself or with society’s help without any deterioration of her\his and society’s life’s quality.
Different situations may lead to a nervous breakdown, even the most insignificant or non-standard situations.
Acknowledgment of personal issues or emotional crisis is a sign of a mature man and the first step to overcoming these issues.
Appeal to a psychologist or to a psychotherapist in the case of personal issues and / or emotional crisis is the right and mature decision. With the help of a specialist (psychologist / therapist), you will manage with your issues faster and better and gain emotional balance.
Qualified specialist - a psychologist or a psychotherapist will not solve issues instead of you. You should do it by yourself. The psychotherapist or a psychologist will only accompany the process of your healing and recovery.
Any life changes, even changes that lead to a better life, often accompanied by discomfort. At the first stages of psychotherapy a person frequently feels discomfort or even temporary deterioration of the emotional state. It is not a sign of absence of healing effect, but the beginning of changing processes, that lead to recover. And it is an urgent need to have patience and mature attitude to the treatment in order to continue the healing process.
Remember that appeal to a psychological help is only your personal decision. A lot of clients feel confusion, shame or fear. For someone these emotions are really significant barrier to access to a specialist. However, in the process of relationships with a specialist you realize that you did a right choice, when you decided to access for a professional help.
You shouldn’t wait immediate for healing effect from the first meeting. Psychotherapy is a laborious and often lengthy process. Remember that the first meeting is not a way to solve your issues. It is the way to find useful specialist you need in the difficult period of your life. The good result of the first meeting would be your personal feelings to what extent you can trust this doctor.
During the first meeting a qualified specialist will determine your health status, correlate it with his/her professional competence, experience and professional specialization, and if your issues are correlating with his\her professional competence, s\he will find possible ways to solve them.